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Daycare Expenses

Welcome to Garderie Le Pinceau!

We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to benefit from an early reimbursement for childcare expenses, just like in subsidized daycares. At Garderie Le Pinceau, we understand the importance of facilitating access to quality services for your children.

By enrolling your child in our daycare, our admissions team will prepare your file to request an early reimbursement of up to 78%. Once your file is accepted, you will receive the early reimbursement directly into your bank account. You can then proceed to pay for your child's daycare services with peace of mind.

To get more details about this opportunity and calculate the amount of your early refund, Click Here 

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us by phone. A dedicated member of our team will be happy to explain all the details.

We thank you for your trust in Garderie Le Pinceau and look forward to welcoming you to our caring community.

Thank you, and see you soon!

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